Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Morewood's on display at World Champs

Team Crimmins attended the 2009 UCI MTB & Trials World Championships over the weekend of 4th to 6th September. Ian and the boys headed down with some friends on Friday while Mum went to work. Then the whole family headed to Stromlo for the rest of the weekend. A fantastic weekend was had by all. The atmosphere was amazing come race time.

The boys were lucky enough to have their bikes on display at Nicho's Morewood tent. Ian just finished building up Andrew's new Zuza on Thursday to take it to the Champs on Friday. Thomas' is the green Izimu and Andrew's new ride is the black Zuza. Will put Andrew's Zuza on Rotorburn's "Post Your Ride" soon.

1 comment:

dunkotm said...

mmm. the black one or the green one? I'll look forward to a (very short) ride on both when I'm back in town- sometime before next March...