Friday, March 13, 2009

CORC round "Majura" 15th Feb 09'

With the 08/09 CORC downhill series drawing to a close we once again headed out to the pine forest of Majura on Sunday morning for the second last round.

The boys were greeted with the news that this was a totaly new track,and after talking it up with there mates headed off into the scrub to start a couple of hours practice, all push ups as there are no shuttles at Majura

The track turned out to be fairly rocky and steep up top,turning into a series of mad switch backs in the middle section then to a fast single track finish line. As always it is a case of look out for the pine trees!!

With Thomas and Andrew in good form and both boys leading there age groups in the current series they were hoping to do well.There was a fairly good turnout with a total of 91 riders spread across 11 divisions.

After the morning "sectioning" the Race time was near, so a quick snack and the 15min push up. Dad doing his bit on the half way marshell point was very busy with some new riders to the sport

At the end of the day after 2 runs and all was said and done the race results were posted in front of many expectant faces

Andrews 2 runs; very close times 1:20.30 and 1:20.05 1st place by .78 of a second

Thomas 2 runs; Also close times 1:11.35 and 1:10.44 1st place by 6 seconds
Well done Boys!! Thomas's time placed him 13th overall.
Next stop Tassie

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